
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day 2019, Part One

Parties Scare Me.

My own kids did not have real birthday parties, they were lucky to get a cake. 

And now I feel compelled to at least attempt a class party for my kinders.

I've been eyeing some "friends" and how they have handled parties in the primary grades. It looks like FUN. But I could not get my head around it.

Until I read A Teeny Tiny Teacher and her Christmas party post. It made so much sense. During my Christmas break I created a rough draft of a Valentine's Day party based off of her Christmas party and shared it with my teaching besties.

They thought it was good. (I thought it was GREAT.)

I've worked and gathered materials. Sent home a request for items for the party (snacks, play dough). And arranged for parent volunteers to help me do this Party.

I may have primed the kids just a little bit, by telling them that this was going to be the best day ever, and since they haven't had THAT many days, it was easy to convince them.

Here's how today (2-14-2019) went down in my classroom:


Students hand out Valentines (to the jugs that we decorated yesterday), with a grown up making sure that every jug got a card and none were skipped.

Making ten math lesson.

Special class (science).

Recess and snack.

Phonics lesson and Lexia time.


Eat one piece of candy from jug while moving pencil boxes to a safe space (away from the approaching party).


PE and Library. (It was during this time that I rearranged tables and geo everything set up, and prepped the 8 volunteers for their tasks.)



Maybe it doesn't sound like we did much today (and it doesn't), but they are 5 and 6 and we did what we could.

Their smiles, joy and red cheeks at the end told me I had done good. They had a good time, and perhaps made memories.

That party was epic. I will do another party. Next year. Valentine's Day 2020. Not before. I am tired and need to rest.

Part Two: What Happened at the Party?

Coming soon...
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