Stuff comes to me just when I need it. Information comes at the most opportune times.
I am open to the stuff and information that comes my way.
Either way, I'll take it!!
School has been difficult the past three weeks. I have been challenged professionally in a way that has rocked me to my core. I have not slept. I worry. I cry.
In a moment of severe self-doubt my principal said to me (some version of this), "You are not used to not figuring it out, it is difficult for you to have to try many things, you will get this, you are already doing this."
She ''gets" me. I am used to things going my way. Things are good. I am successful. I feel good. If things are tough for an extended time I take it personally. Hard.
Last night, in a different training, totally unrelated (yet related) a wise man said, "Understanding helps us to not take it personally, it is larger than me."
That comment stopped me cold.
The stuff that has been difficult IS larger than me. I do not have to carry it in my backpack.
My next hope is that I can be caring and compassionate, and work at the stuff, and see the big picture.
Wish me well!