It is my spring break this week.
A week like no other I have lived.
It's not relaxing.
Last week we added extra times in our day to wash hands at school. We reviewed HOW to wash hands. It felt over the top. But it wasn't.
When we said good-bye on Thursday I told my students "have a great break!" We had no idea how our lives would change in 5 days.
Yesterday I watched our governor at a press conference say that all school buildings in our state would be shut down for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. WHAT???
I feel relieved.
I have questions.
I am excited.
All of that in every breath. It is difficult to separate how I'm feeling, it is all mixed up.
Here is what I know...
1. We are in this together and together we will find a way to navigate this new normal.
2. Teachers are amazing people. Willing to share, collaborate, teach other teachers. It is a wonderful profession and I am lucky to be a member of it.
3. We are resilient. I do not have a single clue what this will look like for this year. Or the future. But I KNOW that I will learn so much and I am excited to have this opportunity to learn from others who already know how to teach online/remotely. (Please send me links, tips, encouragement!)
4. I will continue to check in on my friends, family, students from my chair in the living room.
I end this today with my favorite line that Max, the medical director of New Amsterdam, says, "How can I help?"
How can I help you? Please reach out to me!