Recently my friend and I have started daily thankful lists. We text our lists to each other just before bed (or the next morning, if we fall asleep before we get it done).
What has this practice taught me? To reflect daily on what I'm thankful for. And to start the day looking for what to write that night. (That was my friend's comment, but I love it also.)
Many of my lists go like this...
My Family.
My job.
My teacher support network. Both far and near. Those that I know in real life, and those that I wish I knew, but get ideas and inspiration from.
Cozy blankets, delicious drinks, soft lotion,
Often my list is something specific about each of the above...
My sons who talk to each other, me and my husband and think that it is fun and normal. A student who showed love in a note. Lunch with a friend on a day off of school. A crazy class activity (making pumpkin pie) and coming out on the other side smiling.
There are more. Because when I start being thankful, the list goes on and on...
Michelle, thank you for a linky that gives me space to reflect on what I'm thankful for on this day.