
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Summer Break, Phase Two

You've been wondering, right?

What is Phase Two? I wrote about Phase One in May.

Phase Two is PD!

I wasn't really excited about the 4-day training that I signed up for, but now I am two days in and I am sooooo glad that I'm doing it.

What do I always worry about? Student engagement. Making learning fun. Covering standards.

These days have been chock full of all of that! And the added bonus is Social Skills!

I love the way the presenter helps our group of 30ish educators be comfortable in groups and the content, and ways to teach/incorporate social skills.

I've read the book before.

But being taught the content, processing the content with a group, and doing the structures is bringing the book alive!!!

Yep, I'm pretty excited to see how this will transform my classroom next year.

But more importantly. It's about the relationships. The interactions. These days have taught me (again) about the importance of relationships. 

Not only do I need to have good relationships with my students, I need to create an environment that fosters good relationships between the students. And now my toolbox is FILLING up with ideas on how to do this.

And the very best part?

The presenter is absolutely modeling the GREAT teaching behaviors, strategies, and structures that she is teaching us. So, not only am I learning them, I see her using them which makes a huge impression on me. I see what it could look like, and then think about how I could do it.

It's wonderful!!!!!

So, how do you create an environment that supports good relationships between students? I'd love to hear your ideas and add them to my new notebook! 
Pin It!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Your new notebook! Super cool! I can't wait to hear about all that you are learning about.


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