Hello weekend. I love that we have a standing date.
I had a great week and I am looking forward to sharing about it. My student teacher (Miss Janzen) started on Monday, and wow, we are getting some work done! These next 6 weeks are going to be lovely.
Without further adieu, here are my five random happenings.
Wednesday was Kansas Day. We had sugar cookies, frosting and chocolate chips brought in. The kids loved frosting their cookie and decorating it with the chocolate chips--our version of a sunflower (the Kansas state flower). They also loved eating them.
For the past two weeks, I have been training three kids for 20 minutes a day in Bal-a-vis-X. Next week we will start with the whole class. When I started, I thought, "what have I gotten myself into?!!??!"
It was so hard. But after these two weeks, I am glad I stuck it out and I am excited for what improvements I will see with my whole class.
I have been keeping a secret for several weeks. Finally today I am telling, because I cannot hold it in any longer.
My students are becoming people who sew (sewers?). Yep, all 20 of them love to sew! I bought bags and bags of plastic canvas shapes, and they sew with yarn. They do it during recess, some of them do it during class, and they all love it.
Seriously, at the beginning, only a few understood about the up, down, repeat process. Now, I think all of them get it. And their projects are becoming nicer to look at.
This week has been really good, because both Miss Janzen and I can get the knots tied, and needles threaded (wrapped with tape).
All smiles.
Yesterday at recess (inside because it was 20 degrees outside), I saw a group of students, in a circle, in a corner, having a grand time. They have established a "sewing club," my husband calls it the "first grade sewing circle." Whatever you call it, it is something to cherish. The club is not exclusive. It is inclusive. Every one has been in it at one time or another.
When we started sewing, I was not allowed to share about it. The kids wanted to keep it a surprise for their parents, they were creating presents. I questioned the "sewing club" today, and all their parents know about it, so, all bets are off. I'm telling also!
I have a plan for next week. To beef up our sewing. Perhaps I will have more pictures to show in one week.
Organization has been my focus in writing this week. And I was getting bored with our topics. What to do about that?
Create art. And write about it.
Today I taught Miss Janzen about Art Projects for Kids. A directed drawing of a castle in the morning. And a time to write the story in the afternoon. So proud of what they created (both the pictures and the words).
One more picture. This one got facebook time. It is from today's recess.
Thanks Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for hosting another week of Five for Friday!