
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cloverbuds, A Quilt and A Birthday Party

On Wednesday our K and 1 classes joined up to learn about corn.

4 rotations. 4 teachers. All the kids mixed up into 4 cross-class groups. 20 minutes each rotation. Fast and furious. I learned so much, I wonder if the students learned anything.

The first K teacher talked about popcorn and ate popcorn.

The second K teacher discussed animal names for males, females and babies. They also created a cool take-home paper.

I found two videos on Pinterest that I showed. Kids Corn(er) and The Great Corn Adventure. Do you know all the things that are made from corn? Do you know the difference between sweet corn and field corn? Do you know another name for field corn? We (the students and I) were a bit surprised by some of what we saw/heard.

The other First teacher also showed a video. We did not coordinate, but did not overlap. Sorry, no picture of the other teacher working.


When Cloverbuds was over we put together our November Quilt. Lovely.


In the afternoon they sang our version of Happy Birthday to me. It is called "On The Day You Were Born" by Red Grammer, album Hello World. It was so nice.

In the middle of them singing our secretary walked in with this.

When we finished eating our cupcakes I took these wonderful kids out for an extra recess. WHAT?

I have never. Never. Never given kids an extra recess. Sure I mess with times, but go out for a third recess? Unheard of from Mrs. Bartel.

Hugs and love and "You're the best teacher ever" were coming my way.

It was a fun, and educational day.
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  1. Happy birthday - I think that deserves an extra recess :)

  2. I just love the QUILT! What a great idea! And that extra recess for your birthday! Super sweet!


    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe


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