Not quite 2015.
But close enough that the January Currently linky is up.
I LOVE Friends, and this episode has me laughing out loud. The one where Rachel teaches Ben about practical jokes.
I'm listening to/watching Friends from my comfy couch and warm blanket. Love this time of no time constrictions.
Just happened to catch part of Mr. Greg last night. Then I searched around some more, and 2 hours later I was wide awake, watching videos, reading reviews and planning my deskless classroom. Can't wait to get started on the makeover!
So, for my classroom, I want two circle tables (and a couch and pillows and bath mats). I'm looking for flexible seating, so that my little learners have choices.
How often do I write in my Currently that I need to be healthier, eat better, exercise more? Add one more time...
Along with the classroom makeover comes more decluttering. I watched two webinars by Erin Klein (find links on her website) today. A quote that I wrote down is "My classroom is not a storage unit, purge, donate..." So, decluttering starts ASAP. Wish I could be in my classroom RIGHT now--I am so excited to get started (hey--sister--want to come help???)
A lifestyle change--more vegetables, more exercise, less soda.
A seamless semester of engaged learners, standards taught and mastered, and teacher heaven. Check back in June to see if that all happened...
Welcome 2015--I have great ideas and fantastic people around me that make wonderful things happen. Bring it!!