
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

S'mores Day

This is "Classroom Campout" week. (Rather 3 days.)

Yesterday we set the stage and did some fun stuff.  But today was the BEST!

It was S'Mores Day!

When they did math with marshmallows you would have thought I gave them $100. The best part was the thrill of a promise to eat them. However, by the time we did everything we needed to do, most kids decided that eating the marshmallow was not what they wanted.

We made oven s'mores. They were so yummy.

Some great moms had time, came in and helped us bake.

And check out this lovely... Her earrings are s'mores! And her shirt is a campfire shirt. She always dresses for the event!

A nature hike was the highlight of the afternoon. That means we walked downtown (a total of 2 blocks away), over a block and back to school.

We ended our hike in our "prairie restoration garden." It is on the edge of a wind break. So there are trees. 

We were very quiet. So we wouldn't scare away any animals. Some used their binoculars. A couple saw a bear and a fox. Another saw a raccoon. Still one more saw a squirrel (that is the only one I believe). Most of us saw nothing. But is was amazing how quiet they were.

Tomorrow we are doing more campout. I can't remember what. Time to look at the lesson plans.

P.S. All of these campout ideas came from End of the Year Classroom Camp Out. Check it out, it is pretty cool.

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1 comment:

  1. I love your nature hike! I try to do these often with my kids too. I have a greenhouse as well, just found your blog - looking forward to reading your posts - your Ag/Tech school sounds like a great place! I'm your newest follower:)

    Science for Kids Blog


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