
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Whole Nuther Level of Tired

As I was sitting in piano lessons (both of my sons take piano lessons and they play lovely) this afternoon, I sort of melted into the chair.

What's going on I thought? Why am I zoning out? Why am I tired?

Oh, right. Today I was at an optional professional day.

So glad I went.

Can there be best parts? If so, I loved the work we did this afternoon as a first grade team (12 of us from across the district). We took all the CCSS (we call them KCCRS in Kansas) and mapped them into logical months to teach. 

I am still newish to first grade and was so pleased that the veterans led the way.

This has been on my list to do, but I didn't know where to start. I was so happy to have this that I volunteered to type it all up in a google doc and share it with the first grade teachers.

What I have now...
1. District "I Can" statements.
2. An idea of what to teach (in ELA) each month that coordinates with ALL of the first grade teachers in the districts.
3. A temporary room! Yep, I am staying in my half-packed room for the first while of school. And at some point I will either move to a different room (several weeks/a month into the school year) or unpack what was packed and stay put.

What can I do now...
1. Start work on a temporary space that will be inviting to students and their parents, yet easy to move if necessary.
2. Type that document.
3. Work on coordinating that document with ag books, ag themes, science and social studies standards.

I have a feeling that today is only the first of many tiring days that are coming my way. 

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1 comment:

  1. Oh man, not sure I'd like a temporary room. I'm tired too, and feel like I shouldn't be after a whole summer! I used to go to my daughter's piano lessons with her - it was nice to sit and listen.
    Happy working on your to do list!


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