
Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Home Family and A Flashback

Today was an awesome day.

My niece got baptized. She is the daughter of my husbands' sister, but I claim her as my niece. We go way back. Like this far back.

(October 1996)
We joked that I could get her to sleep by whispering in her ear "Alyce is the Greatest" many times over. Not sure the greatest at what, but that is the joke. I have sent cards and pictures to her over the years to remind her that "Alyce is the greatest."

Almost 16 years later this was her today.

My husband, our 2 sons, my mother-in-law and father-in-law drove two hours to see her baptismal service. My niece gave the children's story, and performed a dance. She is amazing.

The people gathered to witness.

And we ended by singing. The song leader said, and now let's sing 606. That song has not been 606 in several years in the songbook, but in my heart song 118 will always be 606. I was glad to help sing 606 today with my extended family.

It is strange to me how small the world really is. I left Indiana nearly 22 years ago. Have lived in Kansas ever since. Before the service this morning, as we were trying to get settled in the shelter house, a woman and man walked toward me. You know the feeling. They are smiling like they know you, but you are sure you have no idea who they are. Yep, that was me. Until she smiled. And I remembered that she has a connection to the same church my nieces's family attends. They are from my hometown in Indiana (where my parents still live). He used to get into trouble with my dad. She occasionally babysat me.

A few words then, and a long catch-up conversation after the potluck. They were a good example to me. Smile. Ask questions. Share. Be interested. Do not be in a hurry. Reconnect. I hope to remember that as I go to special occasions, and as I go through every day.

Thanks friends of my parents.

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