
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Word Work

Today we had lots of practice at Word Work. They loved it! After creating an I-chart we set off to work.

I gave them some choice: color words, or "at" words. Both sets were around the room for them to see.

We had 4 practice sessions. One with white board and marker. That lasted 2.5 minutes, until one special someone HAD to talk to his neighbor.

Next was white board again. This time 3 minutes before that special someone talked to his neighbor.

Third I pulled out some letters. They could choose white board or letters or a combo of both. 3.5 minutes until--you guessed it. That someone talked. The rest of the class was so bummed about not getting to keep working, but alas, must stop for his sake.

The fourth session I included the white paper and marker option. They hardly EVER get to use markers, I do not like them. They smear. They smudge. And they get on everything. So I was surprised that not all of them chose the markers. This time they went 4 minutes! Yep, my special someone is making gains and building his stamina.

They are excited to do this option again tomorrow. And me too. I want them to practice writing and reading the words that will be assessed in a short week or two.

I am slowly getting the hang of this first grade thing. But it seems that as soon as I get one aspect under control, another roars it's head and demands attention.

Recently under control: Aimsweb testing done yesterday (by me). Word Work.

Roaring head: What to do with that Aimsweb data. Learning the CCSS front and back for ELA and Math.

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1 comment:

  1. Building stamina is tough with any young group. For read to self I have one student who cannot go longer than 1 or 2 min. while the rest of the class can make it to 20 min. The good news is he can stay quiet the whole time. Most of the time he is looking over the shoulder of the student next to him and watching her read as if it is magically happening and he's trying to learn the magic trick! Thanks for sharing about your word work!
    Stories by Storie


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